Further to our magazine article on seed production in Tasmania, we would like to give a more detailed explanation to a letter that we circulated to households close to our production fields in Tasmania, and which has received many reactions on social media recently.
This letter has been circulated to households near our seed production areas for more than 20 years, and indeed, it is common practice by all seed producing companies around the world to make this request. It is a kind request from our side in which we merely appeal to the good nature of gardeners – people who share our interest in producing quality seed for quality crops. In Tasmania, our seed production operation is thriving in order to supply commercial growers with quality seed for the global food market. We do not use any GMO products, and we are currently investing in Tasmania to produce quality organic seeds for the organic grower. With the growing success each year, we are able to offer more employment opportunities within the local community, and we strive to build relationships with our growers and neighbours.
We unreservedly apologise if our intentions have been misconstrued, and we encourage you to check the following links for more information on our company.